Way Too Much Computer Screen Time Lately

I’ve always been against all of the screen time that I see around me.

Everywhere you go you see people staring down at screens all day.

I tried to limit my computer and phone use to an hour a day maximum but that all changed when the good old coronavirus came to town and ruined the party. I had to change jobs from teaching English in person in peoples houses to online teaching. During lockdown I was teaching 13 lessons a day, seven days a week and it killed me. Now I teach five lessons a day or two hours online. I’m thinking of starting up a furnace and air conditioning repair company because I have some experience with it. My father was a house builder and I learned a lot about repairing houses when I was a kid. I just need to get a HVAC certification or training course so I can do it legally and I’m set. This way I can avoid all of this computer time and save my eyes from all of the strain that is placed on them. I actually like cleaning air ducts and filters and helping people with their allergies in their home. A lot of people don’t even realize that their allergies are coming from inside their nice clean home. You should see the look on their faces when I pull out the air handler filter and show them all the dust that has accumulated on it. Some of them don’t even know that they have an AC filter that needs to be cleaned regularly.

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