We have the best air conditioning in our great nation

I regularly had the desire to travel the world plus see the most exotic faraway sites.

  • Now that I have done so, plus visited a dozen different countries over the course of a year, I feel I have gotten it out of my system.

It’s fairly easy to dump on your own country, however after my tour I am happy to be at my dwelling plus don’t have any plans on leaving anytime soon. The toilets in other countries are odd plus occasionally scary, which was a massive factor in my homecoming. Something else that surprised me was a lack of proper climate control in most countries. It turns out that the USA leads the world in Heating plus A/C appliances, which are much more rare in other locales. If I am on a remote island, of course I don’t really expect for everyone to have air conditioning appliances. But in a major population hub similar to London or Paris, I undoubtedly thought that more locales would have proper climate control. In the US every single dwelling, business, plus rental property comes with a heating plus cooling appliance, it’s expected. Traveling abroad I found that most hotels did not even offer rooms with proper climate control, or “air con” as they call it there. The locales that did have AC were most often well outside of my price range, so I just did the best I could. With a succession of odd plus creepy toilets, plus a general lack of proper air conditioning appliances, is it any wonder I was set to come back home? In America we honestly know how to do AC right!


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