Using my drone to chart ductwork

I bought my first drone about five years ago, and by today’s standards it was very primitive.

It is nothing short of amazing to me how quickly this kind of technology evolves.

Every year after that I had to get a new drone, because the new models were always so much more advanced than what I had. I didn’t even have anything to use the drones for, I just loved flying them and taking aerial footage of the city around me. Years later I would finally find a way to turn my love of drones into a revenue stream, by doing freelance gigs for a few of the local HVAC contractors. There are times when an HVAC company needs to do major renovations on a very old and large office building or housing complex. When dealing with skyscrapers and tall buildings, the ductwork systems are like a maze, and very hard for the workers to inspect. They hired me to send one of my small drones into the ductwork, so I can fly around, get visual footage, and also map out the ductwork on the computer. After I am done I can give them a file that breaks down the entire HVAC system for the building, and let them more easily spot potential problems. One day I hope to parlay these experiences into a full-time job for a major HVAC contractor, but for now I just take the gigs as they come. It takes a very high level of skill to pilot a drone through such a labyrinthian system of air ducts and air vents.
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