It’s heat pumps as far as the eye can see

I mean obviously, the heat pump is the king in the south when it comes to quality heating and air. For sure, there are other options like a swamp cooler, an attic fan or just a bunch of fans. But if you want the cooling comfort of air conditioning, you’ll be looking for the heat pump. And you won’t have to look far. The heat pump is such a big deal here of course because of the climate. We don’t really need a whole lot of heating around here so we focus on the air conditioning. This time of year, the heat pump doesn’t do much but it can still extract the heating energy it needs from the outside air. That’s because it rarely gets below freezing here. Of course, when it does get too cold, the heat pump then uses a supplemental electric grid to provide additional heating energy. Really, the whole purpose of the heat pump is moving heat from one place to another. And air conditioning is moving heat energy out of your house to make room for cooler air. The heat pump has been providing residential HVAC since about the mid 1950s. These days, the heat pump is absolutely ubiquitous throughout the south. That’s pretty amazing that this HVAC technology is essentially the same as it has always been. There have been advances in the HVAC technology but essentially, the physics and engineering are pretty much still the same. I marvel at the versatility of the heat pump whenever I think about it. Right now, it’s a beautiful December day and there’s really no reason to think about the heat pump at all.


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