I think I’ll go back to school.

I really enjoyed working with the HVAC techs, and I wanted to be an HVAC technician

After graduation, I didn’t want to go to college. I wanted to take a break from learning and being confined in classrooms. I had already been in school for thirteen years. I thought it would be nice to take a year off and just laze around. Unfortunately, my father had other ideas about what I would do if I didn’t go back to school. He told me that if I would not be in college; I would be working. I told him that working didn’t fit into my plan. I don’t think I have ever heard my dad laugh so hard. I didn’t think I had made such a funny decision. I was upset with my father for laughing at me. He said he wasn’t laughing at me, but at how naïve I was. He said that by the time he was eighteen; he had been working for three years. He told me he would let me work for him, and he would even pay me. I figured that I could work part time, but that wasn’t in dad’s plan. He owned an HVAC company, and he was making me work so the guys could get their vacations. Although I didn’t have my HVAC certificate, I could go along with the other HVAC techs and help them with the grunt work. After a month of this, I knew that I would go back to school. I really enjoyed working with the HVAC techs, and I wanted to be an HVAC technician. I talked dad into paying for my HVAC classes. It really wasn’t much of a talk, because he offered. He said he needed a new HVAC tech.

Heating and cooling service

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