I needed to add 6 washers and dryers to the laundromat

I own a laundromat and washing center in the city, but currently we have 16 washers and 20 dryers in the building! I bought the space next to the laundromat and I planned to double the size of the area of our business.

I needed to add 6 industrial washers and dryers and that meant a commercial electrical company was necessary; The space was previously used as a company office.

I needed to add a lot of electrical connections in order to make room for all of the current machines. The commercial electrician tested all of the wires and wiring insulation, but he made sure that all of the junction boxes were set up and working properly. He also installed special Lighting in that half of the business. The commercial electrician made sure that we were adhering to State and local regulations based on the national electrical code, however now that the washer and dryers are set up and running, I am looking forward to an increase in business. I would savor to see 20% more sales each week. I only need 10% more sales to cover all of the costs that I paid to buy that half of the building. The 10% increase will even pay for the extra washers and dryers and all of the proceeds that I paid to the commercial electrician to set everything up. If everything goes well, I idea to open another location on the west side of the city. Currently, there are only many laundry centers in that area and they stay crowded all the time.


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