Hoping to quickly redo my kitchen

I have decided that I am going to fix up my house while my husband goes away on a business trip. He has to do training and a whole bunch of meetings. For an entire week, he is going to be gone. My husband is the type of guy that resents change. He gets really fussy when I even try to paint a wall. A big factor is money spent on stuff he doesn’t feel is necessary. I have been saving for years and I finally have enough saved to do a giant home project. I am going to redo my kitchen. I want to rip out the floros and replace the tile. I have already gone on Ikea’s website and made my cupboard and counter set up. I also want to add a ductless mini split to the kitchen. I have enough money to do everything. What I want is to have the project finished before my husband returns. It is going to be really tight. I plan to have the Ikea stuff shipped and installed right on day one .For the next few days I will be ripping up floors and retiling myself. I have to buy the thile, grout and cutter when my husband is gone though. The last step, HVAC installation, is going to be tricky. The HVAC contractor can’t come until the day my husband is due home. I am trying to get the HVAC professional in bright and early. If my husband catches the HVAC guy in the house, he will try to cancel the appointment. I need to sneak that ductless HVAC in quickly.




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