Easing an irritated office environment with HVAC

I spent much of my late teens and early twenties working outside jobs like construction and landscaping.

I had yet to decide on what I wanted out of college so, I did work that made me feel good physically and paid a good wage.

It also taught me how to work hard and focus even when the last thing I wanted to do was to keep working. Then, I would come home and bask in the HVAC until I was up and at it again the next day. Working these kind of jobs in those sort of conditions can lead to confrontation. But, those people would get stuff off their chests then move on. I wish the same could be said for the office where I currently work. This place is awash in hostility and subtle contempt. Just working in that sort of environment makes my stomach hurt. I have been here now just under a year. Once I finished college, I was out on the road for this company. Now, I have been promoted to the home office. I was so excited until I saw how petty and awful people were to each other. There were times where a near screaming match happened over the HVAC setting. And, this went on day after day and month after month. The HVAC setting was a lot more about other stuff but, it just got ferocious. That’s why I put in to transfer back to being on the road. The boss was so stunned by my request and made it clear he didn’t want to lose me. I explained the office environment and specifically the HVAC. He told me that he would zone control the HVAC into separate zones as a start on changing the office vibe. I told him that I would give it til the end of the year.

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