There are two sides to every story

I almost lost my job last week because of a misunderstanding. I was assigned to help a customer with an HVAC repair. I spent an hour or two on the repair and when I was getting ready to leave, I told the customer that I needed her phone number. I wanted to call the woman the next day to make sure she wasn’t having any problems with the HVAC system. The woman acted very strange and she refused to give me her phone number. I didn’t think it was a very big deal. I knew that I could just stop by in the afternoon. When I got to work the next morning, my boss was standing outside waiting for me. He told me to come into the office so we could have a chat. I could tell from the sound of his voice that something wasn’t right. As soon as we got into the office, the boss asked me to explain everything that happened during the last job of the day. That was the HVAC repair with the strange woman that refused to give me her phone number. My boss wanted to know if I hit on the woman. I told my boss absolutely not and he asked me to explain why I demanded her phone number. I told my boss exactly what happened and I explained that I asked for her phone number so I could contact her the next day. It was a simple misunderstanding, but my boss was ready to send me packing for poor behavior on the job.

radiant heater

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