Mother Theresa Took out Water Heater and HVAC System

A person of faith, I Look to others to find acceptable and honorable Behavior. Just about everyone in the world agrees that one example to follow would be Mother Teresa. She served the poor, started a religious community so that other people would help her help the poor, and she never lost her faith.I recently met a person who worked with her for a little while on a fundraising Adventure she had in Washington DC. He was giving a talk at a church and telling people about his experience with her. I learned a lot about Mother Teresa from the talk and one of the most amazing things I learned was that when she was in India and starting her community, She made the determination to live like the poor people that she helped. That being the case, one of the things she did right off the bat was remove the water heater. She explained to the people who were working with her that the poor did not have water heaters, and in fact did not even have running water often, so she would not have a water heater either. Everyone who lived there had to take cold showers. Eventually, the lack of a water heater did not seem like that big a sacrifice, so she decided to do even more. She called in the heating and cooling specialists and she had them remove the HVAC system from the building. The poor people she was helping did not have the option of adjusting the air temperature with the flip of a switch on a thermostat. She realized how fortunate and selfish they had become in the house oh, and getting rid of the heating and cooling system was another sacrifice she saw as a good idea.


HVAC home services

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