Making classy wooden furniture for fun

You don’t need money to have class.

Let me give you the best example, one that still drives me to this very day.

When I grew up, I lived in the hood. I mean deep in the hood, a food desert with scarce resources and a heavy police presence. This whole end of town had been written off years ago, and it was slowly dying. In the middle of it there was my Aunt Pat’s tiny little house. Even though it was a tiny one bedroom one bath, it seemed opulent and elegant. She didn’t have high end furniture, but she had such striking pieces you’d never guess she made them herself. Aunt Pat was a woman of many talents, and making handmade furniture was something she liked to do when she sat and watched television. She would spend weeks on a single wooden chair, because she was in no rush, and not doing it for any reason other than peace of mind. Making wooden furniture soothed her, made her happy, so she would pop on the game shows or soap operas and spend hours smoking cigarettes and making things. One day she gave me a nice little wooden table to use as a nightstand. I had been sitting with her watching her make this wooden table for weeks, never realizing it was for me. Aunt Pat told me that I was a good kid, and deserved a glamorous bedroom set, so she would make me one, a piece at a time. I think she is making me a wooden headboard next!

Classic elegance

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