Locked out of the dorm again!

I didn’t know if I would like having a college roommate.

I grew up without any brothers or sisters and my mom and dad gave me anything that I wanted. Sometimes I thought it would be fun to live with a brother or sister, but I definitely wasn’t looking forward to having a college roommate. Luckily, my roommate and I get along really well. He loves video games and tacos and girls, and those are the highlights of my life too. We also agree on the indoor air temperature. We both like the A/C set to 68. We came up with some rules in the beginning, so we both had ample privacy in the room. For instance, if my roommate or I have a girl in the room, we put a blue sock on the door. The blue sock is a polite reminder for privacy. Both of us are single guys and neither one of us wants any competition when we are entertaining a girl. Last Friday night, I was in the library studying for exams. When I came back to the dorm room, I found a blue sock on the door. I was going to sit in the rec room for a few hours, but they were cleaning the floors. I had to sit outside in the quad while my roommate had the room to himself. It was hot and uncomfortable and the temperature was still very warm. My roommate was enjoying all of the AC in our dorm and I was forced to sit in the heat. I would have cool AC if the rec room was open, but I was forced to deal with humid air conditions instead.

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