I tried to fix the HVAC unit but failed

I tried to fix the HVAC unit in my house, but I failed completely. I still can’t believe that I wasn’t able to fix the furnace in my house. I honestly thought that I would be able to fix the furnace. My dad was an HVAC technician, but I did not decide to become an HVAC technician. However, my dad thought that it would be important for me to learn how to fix an HVAC unit, so he taught me how to fix my own furnace and central air conditioner. He figured that it would be helpful to know how to fix your own HVAC units if things ever became tight financially. Since then, I have gotten a good job, and I have never had to worry about hiring an HVAC technician. I have always been able to afford it, so I haven’t actually tried to fix my own HVAC units in a long time. However, things have been a struggle lately since we had our first kid, so when the furnace broke, I decided to try to fix the furnace myself. I figured that it would be no issue whatsoever. I used to be so good at fixing furnaces, and I even told my wife so. However, it has apparently been way too long since I have worked on a furnace. I tried for days to fix the furnace, but no matter how hard I tried, I could not figure out what was wrong with the furnace. I guess that I am just going to have to figure out how to pay the HVAC technician. I guess that I should have kept up on my skills. Now, I do not have what it takes to fix my own furnace in case of an emergency.
furnace filter

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