Smart thermostats are still in the top 10 most wanted Christmas gift list

I’m sure you know that around the middle of every year, all these companies start to put out articles about what the Most Wanted gifts are for Christmas that year. There are more and more lists coming out the closer you get to the holiday. This is obviously not how we should be thinking about Christmas, but it happens nonetheless. And let’s face it, just about everyone does a Christmas present for someone. So anyway, I saw my first Most Wanted Christmas gift to list just the other day, even though it is not even June yet. It turns out that one of the top desired gifts is a smart thermostat. Obviously this is not a list made by children. Anyway, I was quite surprised to see this particular air conditioning device on the list, as I know that it was on the list several years ago because I actually bought someone a smart thermostat. That is when I noticed that there was an asterisk next to the words smart thermostat on the list. When I went down to see what the asterisk was all about, there was a notation that this particular air conditioning device has been on the top 10 list for eight years in a row now. It is funny to think that smart thermostats have now been commonplace for 8 years. I can remember thinking that they are brand new HVAC technology. Even so, I do not even have a smart thermostat yet. Of course, I rent where I live, so the kind of heating and cooling stuff I get is all determined by the home owner.If you have someone to buy a gift for this year and you don’t know what to get them you might consider going ahead and getting that Most Wanted gift, the smart thermostat.

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