My mother never misses a heating or cooling service appointment

At times we love making fun of mom because she can be so crazy when things don’t go as expected. But, dad always explains later that she has been like this since they were kids. My mom and dad are that love story for the ages. They met on the first day of middle school and became best friends. Later, they drifted into different cliques in high school and wound up in the same college. They began dating and have been together ever since. It’s now 30 years, and I have always adored their love and friendship. The other day, we had an issue with the heating system in the house. It is late fall, so the evenings are chilly around where we live. This means we have to turn on the heating system to keep the house warm. However, we noticed the other day there was an issue with the heating system. Even when it was working, the house still felt chilly, which meant there wasn’t sufficient warm air circulating in the space. Mom jumped into action to contact the heating & cooling business. She knew it was almost time for the annual heating system service, so informing them about the faulty unit was better. About an hour later, an HVAC worker pulled up in his work van at the house. She is the same lady who had been fixing and servicing the heating and cooling units at home for quite some time. Mom and her are friends, so they went about talking as she checked why the heating system was failing. Dad had learned a long time ago to leave mom be when handling such matters. She was quite capable of ensuring the heating system was fixed.


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