My First tenants and my AC… What a story

Back in 2010, I had occasion to leave my home and move into the city where I currently live because I had a loved one who needed assistance, and gasoline was almost $5 a gallon, and I was traveling 60 miles per day back and forth to the office.

So that is when I decided to get my first tenants.

I really thought that it would not be necessary to get a property manager, so I decided to do everything myself. I put in an add up and I got two gentlemen apply to be my tenants. Both of them were recently released from nearby nursing homes. These two tenants were a piece of work. Every time I turned around they were having some problem, and nine times out of 10 it had something to do with the heating and cooling system. Both of them did not really have any business living unassisted, in my opinion. The first time I went right out there immediately and the guy told me that the house was not getting cool and there was something wrong with the AC. I was surprised he was using the air conditioner, because I was not yet using my AC at my house. We were just at the edge of winter and going into spring, and I had my windows wide open and was not planning to use any cooling system for a while. In fact, at night I was using my heater a little. Anyway it turns out these two guys were getting hot so they would turn on the air conditioner. Then, they would be cold, so instead of changing the setting on the thermostat, they would flip the switch from cooling to Heating. And they would do that all day long. I’m so glad they called me because the air conditioning service guy told me it wouldn’t have been too much longer before they totally killed my AC.

climate control

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