I didn't want to share my bedroom

My grandfather came to visit last month and he stayed for two weeks.

  • While he was here, he stayed in my room.

I didn’t want to share my bedroom with my grandfather, but my mom didn’t give me any choice. She had my sister and her husband in the guest room. Thanksgiving is always a family holiday and our house is filled with people during the holidays. My grandfather slept in my room, but he complained about the cold air after one night. My mom decided to put a space heater in my room. I was comfortable without the heater, but my grandfather was chilly. After one night, I didn’t sleep very well. I told my mom that I couldn’t sleep in there with my grandfather. It was too hot and I was sweating all night long. The old space heater was really loud too, which didn’t help me sleep. The following night, I waited until everyone was asleep and then I went downstairs and slept on the couch. It was far more cozy than my bedroom floor and sleeping bag. In the morning, I was still sleeping when my mom and dad woke up to make coffee. My mom told me to go back to my room. Every night after my folks went to sleep, I snuck downstairs and slept all night on the couch. Every morning my parents complained, but honestly, I didn’t care. The heater was too much for me to handle and the sound of my grandfather snoring was even louder than the old space heater.



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