Getting my confidence back at the gym

It’s still sort of hard to believe the results I have achieved at the health and fitness center. Just over a year ago, I decided to take a chance at being more assertive and confident. One of my goals in doing that was to join a local gym. There are several gyms in the area and I toured each and every one of them prior to getting a gym membership at my current health and fitness center. But it wasn’t easy for me. I’m terribly shy as a person and lack a great deal of confidence. This has been the case for my entire life. I just never felt like I fit in and that led to me sort of shying away from life in general. Even at my job, I tend to stick to my desk and just get my job done. I have few friends and practically no social life. Well, my 30th birthday is not far away and I just decided that I wanted to really try to be more a part of this life. And the health and fitness center has been so key to making that happen for me. It’s been just over a year and the transformation for me has been wonderful. I went from a sort of drab flab to fit and healthy. That is thanks in large part to the certified fitness experts who have guided and supported me all along the way. I now possess a confidence in myself that I wasn’t sure would ever be possible. Not only have I found health and wellness, I have found the person that I have always wanted to be.
Workout classes

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