Becoming health conscious and air quality conscious

Recently I have decided to make better health choices; I chose to do this about two months ago for my new year’s resolution; So far I have done a fantastic task sticking to my word.

  • I have eliminated all sweets and fast food in my diet.

If I want a sweet it will be proportioned and I’ll only supply myself one morning a week to having it. I’ve also cut out enriched flour foods as well… Not only am I watching what I’m eating however I’m watching what I put on my body. I have gotten rid of all of my shampoos and conditioners that contain sulfates and replacing them with all natural shampoos and conditioners. I don’t even use name brand soaps, lotions or body sprays to them being all natural as well. I’ve even changed out the dish and laundry detergent and cleaning supplies to all natural and more environmentally friendly. I have kept my house much cleaner by consistently replacing my air filter once a month. I feel so much better about myself and knowing that I have clean air quality in my house feels even better, however eventually I would like to talk to my Heating, Ventilation plus A/C worker to see how much it would be to update my Heating, Ventilation plus A/C system with a much better energy efficient system. I want to be able to save money and not waste so much unnecessary energy. I not only want a clean environment for my house however a cleaner environment outside of my home.
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