Zoned Heating and A/C for our arena

My roommate and I are about as opposite as they come, and because of it, all of us have had many disagreements.

But, since all of us are both in a awful financial situation and can’t live any other way without a roommate, all of us are stuck with each other… So, all of us have made some rules to prevent as much fighting and disagreements as possible, and to genuinely stay out of each other’s way. There is a single thing though that took a lot longer to resolve than normal, and that’s because it was a kind of difficult issue. Both of us both wanted to control the thermostat for our own temperatures. I like medium temperatures, while our roommate likes slightly cooler temperatures; Neither of us were willing to compromise, which was an issue. This led to a lot of arguments, because the only way all of us could change the temperature was if a single of us compromised, or all of us got a zoned Heating and A/C. At that time all all of us had was a official oil furnace and air conditioning, however after a lot of discussion, all of us decided it would be best if all of us split the cost and get Heating and A/C zone control. The price for zoned Heating and A/C was quite extravagant, however in the end I believe all of us can both say it was well worth it. After the zoned air conditioning component was installed all of our troubles involving temperatures were resolved, and it became a thing of the past now that all of us can have our own preferred temperatures whenever all of us want. Now if all of us can just get past some other troubles.

Wifi thermostat

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