The wonders of small town living

Small town living had a lot of charm.

My sister and I had inherited a small one-story building from our Grandparents on the street where most of the suppliers were located.

My whole life was based in the city so I left it to my sister who had always had a soft spot for the town, but the best part was that it was a one-story building which meant that she could open her shop on the lower floor and live on the upper floor. There was also a country house but it was a half-hour drive to the neighborhood in wonderful weather and that could double or triple while I was in Winter. The country house, and the business building, had an electric heating unit but the townhouse had radiant floor heating and a central heater. The country on the other hand had an air-source electric heat pump installation. The first order of business before she set up her clothing boutique was to look for a local repair provider for a heating serviceman to conduct a oil furnace/heater tune-up to make sure that the whole-home heating unit was in good working condition, but I was present when the heating business came and he reported that he had to do a oil furnace maintenance because the unit had been neglected for a while, and she also had to buy a new digital thermostat because the old one was analog and was failing at its job of temperature control. She also wanted a zone control unit like the one she had in the city. This and other energy-saving tips she had received would reduce her energy bill.

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