My wifey is the best

It must have been total serendipity when I met my wifey in an art class in school. I say that because I’m the least artistic woman in my family and was only in the course because nothing else was available for that time slot when I had to drop another course that I was failing. I sat down next to her for no other reason than that being the sole empty seat in the classroom that particular afternoon, and the people I was with and I started talking while I was in downtime at the end of the class. At some point I worked up the courage to ask her out on a date and convinced myself in the process that she would particularly say no to myself and others regardless of anything I did. To my utter and sheer amazement, she said yep! We visited a nearby art museum and ended the night with a moonlit walk on an ocean fishing pier. While I never took another art class, I was always thankful for that a single art class because it brought myself and others to my wifey and inevitably became the most formidable catalyst in my path for realizing my current reality. My wifey stuck it out with art and even sells her pieces at local art fairs. However, her art studio is dilapidated and her only form of heating and cooling is a window air conditioner and a cheap space heater. While she never outright complains about the comfort level in her art studio, I can tell that she desperately needs a current heating and cooling system. That’s why I decided to surprise her with a ductless mini chop inside her art studio for her birthday this year. I’m hoping she enjoys the current indoor comfort levels afforded by the replaced Heating and Air Conditioning system!


a/c service

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