My partner’s cold feet are even worse now than they were in the winter

My partner has cold feet constantly for some reason; They are even worse while in the summertime than they are in the winter, too! It’s the craziest thing ever and she is constantly complaining about the fact that she’s cold and that her feet are love blocks of ice… Not only that, but the fact that she’s consistently putting them on myself and others when I get into bed at night is not doing great things for our marriage.

It consistently startles myself and others and then that makes myself and others mad! It’s taxing to live with someone who is constantly complaining about their cold feet, but I don’t actually suppose what to do about it.

I can’t help the fact that it’s summer time and that the weather is actually heating up outside now. Normal people love to run their central air conditioners while in the summer time so that the heat and humidity are gone from the inside of their homes. That’s how I assume too, of course. I love our central cooling system and I love to keep the control unit settings around 69 degrees while in the summer. I will turn the temperature down even lower at night periodically because I love to sleep in the cold, and but the problem is the fact that the a/c vents in our home are all on the floor. This means that our partner’s feet are next to the cooling system vents all morning long. By the end of the night she is frigid and her feet are also, however she’s consistently complaining about the cooling system vents blowing cold air on her feet, but if the cooling system is turned off so that it doesn’t blow, then the whole entire home will be sizzling and humid! I don’t suppose what to do about it.

whole home heating

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