Kids are really spoiled these afternoons

I swear that kids will never understand the struggles every one of us chose to go through back in the day.

They are spoiled by advanced technology, I don’t even think they have to write papers by hand these afternoons, then do they even teach cursive in universitys anymore? Well anyway, the greatest thing that gets myself and others is how kids think they are entitled to excellent temperature control settings plus temperature control settings.

I occasionally have our brother’s kids at our house plus it shocks myself and others what these kids think they can do. They open the fridge without asking, they use the microwave plus worst of all they adjust our temperature control settings! I don’t know what they do in their own household plus that’s none of our business, however you can’t just go into a man’s house plus adjust his control unit without asking! And of course, when I was being raised, every one of us didn’t even have a cooling system. And every one of us had better not mess with the control unit for the heating plan no matter how freezing every one of us thought it was in the house. My aged man didn’t adore to spend much cash on the heating bill so he kept that temperature control down to 60 degrees occasionally plus told us every one of us had to wear a sweater or a blanket around the house! These kids these afternoons have all their valuable gadgets including cell cellphones with costly bi-weekly rates. Their cell cellphones cost more per month than our telephone bill! That’s the most silly thing ever, I don’t even see why these kids need cell cellphones at such a young age. They tell myself and others they are even able to adjust their temperature control settings back at apartment with their cellphones!


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