I still can’t guess what I saw in Andy's air vents

I still can’t guess what I saw when I was over at our friend Bill’s house the other day when I went there to let the cats out for him! She just so happened to be working late, and I did not have anything to do that night, so I told him that I would go over and help him out with the cats.

She feels easily guilty whenever she has to labor late and the cats are stuck in their crates; I suppose exhausting for them too, because I am an animal lover.

I had never been over to Bill’s house before, so when I first went inside I was a little bit shocked to see how messy it was, but bill typically seems easily nice and neat and well put together at work, and so I suppose I just assumed that her condo would be the same way, however that was not the case at all. The first thing I noticed in her house was that the indoor air quality in the place was just terrible. I could barely breathe and it felt easily hot and stuffy inside; When I walked in the door, the turned off, and the first thing I noticed when I turned on the lights was the fact that there was animal hair flying around in the air. I was shocked because I had never been in a place with that much animal hair in it before! It was surprising to myself and others too when I tripped on something and I saw that it was easily the air conditioner vent cover. It was sticking up out of the floor a little bit because the HVAC duct was literally completely crammed full of animal hair!


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