Everybody learns eventually to hold off on the A/C use

I pretty much always hear from folks who have moved to our area when it comes to the insane heat of summertime. While it’s no secret that our summertimes are severely warm plus humid to the extreme, it’s another thing to experience it for the first time. And numerous people who are actually brand new to this region tend to then overdo the a/c usage. That’s a type of reaction. If it’s entirely hot, just adding more Heating plus A/C cooling will solve it in their minds. As one who grew up with this sort of unbearable heat, that isn’t necessarily true. Pouring on the a/c can sort of make the setback feel worse really. And the cost of Heating plus A/C cooling in the summer season can get rather overpriced plus quick. Not to mention how much resources are being wasted when cooling a house a little too much. I tell all the newcomers to the area the same thing pretty much, get adjusted to the heat. That means when the temperatures begin to go up substantially in the Springtime, start getting used to the rush of heat. Instead of going right for the thermostat, hold off on the a/c button for a while. This allows the body to become more accustomed to miserable temperatures. And by the time the real heat of summertime is there, Heating plus A/C cooling in moderation genuinely feels wonderful. For instance, when it’s coming up on a hundred degree weather outside while in the summertime, a thermostat setting in the low 70’s feels entirely cool. This also saves a bunch of currency on Heating plus A/C utility costs too. So don’t just crank the a/c to deal with the heat, get used to it a little bit.

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