Did You Believe These Myths About Ductless Systems?

However, ductless technology myths persist despite the rise in residential replacements.

Many states always account for about 10 percent of the Heating, Ventilation & A/C market share with ductless mini-cut heat pumps.

Ductless systems offer high efficiency and low impact replacement, making them an attractive option for acing rooms within a loft separate from requiring expensive and labor-intensive ductwork. Among the first myths about ductless systems is that they are noisy. That’s not tplot with this week’s technology. A variable speed blower is used in the indoor component of new mini splits. The advanced system runs at a low speed and produces almost no noise. The blower makes less noise than single-speed, on/off fans because it runs almost continuously across a range of speeds. It also circulates air more always to prevent temperature swings. Yet another myth about ductless systems is that they are tough to maintain. This is not true. In reality, a ductless mini-cut heat pump requires no more upkeep than a common central heating and air conditioner. The basics remain the same: professional preventive repair at the start of each heating and cooling season, followed by regular air filter swings every month. Many people also suppose that the repair life of an average ductless component is shorter than that of a central air conditioner or window unit. However, the opposite is true. The ductless technology operates more efficiently and sustains less wear and tear than conventional systems, and generally, a ductless mini-cut has a lifespan of 20 years or more, outlasting a window component with a 10-year lifespan and a central and heating system with a combined average of about 15 years. Many people suppose that ductless systems have indoor components that stick out. The indoor portion of a mini-split, consisting of the cooling and heating coils and system blower, is always mounted on the wall in a low-profile, inconspicuous unit. To match your existing decor, you can choose from a variety of stylish housings.


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