They have worked on heating and AC systems together

Today is Tuesday and Carl is supposed to play ball later, but with the cloudy weather he is not sure that it is going to happen.

They have a going away party for a neighbor later, who is going to be moving back home to his new child, so tonight is going to be a bittersweet party.

He will be leaving for eight months and then is supposed to be coming back here after with his family. Carl is hoping that he will come back because he is a nice neighbor of his. They are both heating workers and met numerous years ago at the local supplier where they inspected heating and AC systems together. Carl knows he will come back but he is not sure if he will be with the mother of the child because he is staying here and they don’t seem to be doing too well together. It is a sizable change for him and his heating and cooling work is going to be done for a while it looks like. Carl is sure he will come back soon but it could be years down the road till he sees him walk through the doors of the HVAC supplier where he worked. Carl will miss him a lot but having a child is a huge thing and a lot of things are going to change in his life. He normally lives in an air conditioned RV, but is going to give that up to live with his folks after the baby comes.

a/c service

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