What to do if a Bee is Flying all Around Your House

If you’re the same as me, you’re afraid of all the creepy crawlies outside, and also the flying insects and bugs.

I grew up in a major city where we didn’t have a whole lot of trees, and although bugs were in the city we didn’t see them as you would in a rural area.

So, I wasn’t used to being around bugs, in fact, I encountered some new bugs when I moved out of the city. I now live in a more rural area where we have tons of trees, and of course where there are trees and flowers you’ll find lots of pollinators. At first, it was taxing for myself and others to function, as I had no clue what to do when a bee was buzzing all around me. I would always dread the spring because that was when the bees would find their way into my yard. Of course, not knowing any better, my response was to swat the bees away. One weekend, my acquaintance Sherry saw myself and others in my yard swatting at a bee. After the bee flew away, she walked over and told us that it was best to just walk in a straight line and not swat at them. According to Sherry, the bees viewed swatting at them as a threat, and once a bee feels threatened they will more than likely sting you as a means of defense. I am cheerful that Sherry mentioned that to all of us because I had no clue that I was more at risk by swatting at the bee. Ever since then, I have remained calm when a bee flies around myself and others and this strategy seems to work the best. And the best part is I have yet to be stung by a bee.

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