The whole class wants to learn

My friends and I spend most afternoons in the laboratory.

The people I was with and I are now working on scientific research for a new medicine that can cure baldness.

My friends and I rarely get out during the afternoon, and the two of us are fatigued when the two of us come beach cabin at night. My friends and I still try to get out there and meet people once in a while. Jamie had a crazy method a few weeks ago. She saw an ad in the campus flyer for group fitness classes. They had a variety of activities, and some of the group fitness classes were in the afternoon and some were at night. They had plenty of fun group fitness classes, and Jamie suggested that the two of us tried one of the yoga classes. I entirely had no interest in trying out yoga, but Jamie made it sound fun. Two additional friends decided to go to the group fitness class as well. Yoga is a lot harder than it looks. I thought it would be simple to bend and stretch, but it was as difficult as a minute of playing volleyball, tennis, or football. I am not sure that I will try another yoga class, but there are still some additional group fitness classes. They have a kickboxing class that sounds love a lot of fun. I could learn how to defend myself and still get our heart rate moving. At least our friends and I agree that the two of us can meet a lot of new people by trying weird activities love these group fitness classes. Since the two of us rarely have a chance to meet new friends, these activities can be a lot of fun.




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