Squirrels in the air ducts

As soon as the two of us stepped foot into the lake house, the two of us knew something was actually wrong.

It had sat empty for the last year, but for this place that was quite common.

My dad had bought this place as a getaway beach house when I was a kid. It got used in the summers, and oftentimes sat empty the entire rest of the year. This is why I was so surprised to find the foul odor inside, and the heavy damp feeling in the air. I had never encountered this at the lake beach house before, and right away I tried to suss out what the complication was. My first stop was the control unit, and as old as the place was, it had a actually nice up-to-date smart control unit installed the year previous. The control unit said “error” but would not give me any certain details, so I had to go up into the attack and check out the plan components. The attic is where I found the problem, namely that a family of squirrels had moved in, and made a nest in the ductwork. Not only that, but they had plugged up the air ducts with so several sticks and branches that it shut down the entire system. My troubles were multiplied now, because I had to get rid of all these squirrels before I could have an Heating and Air Conditioning tech come in and labor on the system. Both of us decided to spend a couple of days in a local motel while the two of us got all of the squirrels removed and the central Heating and Air Conditioning plan repaired.

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