Rear end collision

The most awkward thing happened to me the other day, i was driving to the store to purchase some things for my house when the most awful thing happened.

I had my a/c blowing certainly loudly, plus I wasn’t paying attention to what was going on behind me, then because of the sound of the a/c, I didn’t hear the tires on the Heating as well as Air Conditioning van that was squealing behind me.

I got rear-ended by an Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier van! Apparently, the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier was trying to put an address on his iPhone while he was driving, plus because of this distraction, he never realized that the light had changed plus that I was stopping, and they were trying to go to someone’s house to upgrade their central a/c, plus he was in a rush because the tenant of the house was certainly sad that the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier was running a few minutes late, and well, he was definitely going to be late now! I walked out of my car plus up to the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier, plus he began apologizing. I realized that the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier van was a certainly nice van, plus he had smashed into my work car that wasn’t certainly nice… However, they had insurance, plus all of us abruptly swapped information. The Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier ran to the back of the van plus opened it up, plus he observed that the central a/c that they were trying to transfer was smashed to pieces. I hastily saw the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier get upset about confronting that grumpy old woman! That awful guy.


Space heater

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