My carpentry work truck has poor air conditioning inside

Unlike many of my friends, I had no desire to attend college. My grades in school were Bs and Cs most of the time, and I really hated studying. The only thing that gave me pride in life was working with my hands. My father had a large workshop in our house while I was growing up and he taught me how to use many of his tools even while I was a child. Instead of building little wooden bird houses with hand saws and glue, he taught me safety lessons with power drills and electric circular saws. The first major piece of furniture I ever built was a bookshelf for my bedroom. I had such a strong feeling of pride and self-reliance that I kept up with the hobby over the years. By the time I was in my sophomore year of high school, I already knew that I didn’t want to attend college. I always wanted to work with my hands as a career. Our school had a program with the local trade school and I became an apprentice carpenter in my junior year. By the time I finished high school, I had a fulltime job and a work truck. I’ve been working for the same company for five years now, and I love most aspects of my work. I just wish that my company truck had working air conditioning. The first truck I was assigned had good heating and cooling. I never considered what it would be like driving around in late July in a heavy uniform with no air conditioning. I get exhausted by working outdoors and can’t even cool off when I get to my truck. I hope my boss fixes the air conditioner at least, because I can live without heat.
Air conditioning expert

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