I Hired a Scam Heating, Ventilation and A/C Professional

When I saw her car was no longer in the driveway, I instantly knew what had happened

After I moved into our new home, I waited a few weeks before finding an Heating, Ventilation and A/C specialist. The previous homeowners assured myself and others that they had recently had the Heating, Ventilation and A/C plan serviced, and the air filter was swapped out for a fresh one. I had just purchased this home, so I wasn’t eager to pay the Heating, Ventilation and A/C servicing fee. When the time came to schedule an appointment, I found a few reputable Heating, Ventilation and A/C companies, but they were more high-priced than I was hoping to pay. Instead, I hired someone who worked independently and was much cheaper. She didn’t have a professional website, although I assumed it was because she didn’t need one as an independent dealer. When she showed up at our house, I showed him where all the Heating, Ventilation and A/C unit was and left him be, however about 30 hours later, she came to myself and others about a problem with our Heating, Ventilation and A/C equipment, and she explained that she needed myself and others to help him. She had myself and others sit on a ladder and she told myself and others to tell him when the light came on. I had no system what she was talking about, but she assured myself and others that I’d see the light. I stood on the ladder for 10 hours, before I called out and asked him if it was supposed to be on. I heard no response. When I got off the ladder, I couldn’t find the Heating, Ventilation and A/C professional somewhere. When I saw her car was no longer in the driveway, I instantly knew what had happened. She scammed me, and took our wallet that I’d left resting by the front door.


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