Twitter is Going to Buy me a New HVAC System Very Soon

If you haven’t invested in cryptos yet, I suggest you take a look at Dogecoin, because something is happening with it that could really make the price explode in the next few weeks or months.

I got the tip to buy this coin from my HVAC dealer a few weeks ago and have already made a few thousand so far. If it keeps going as planned I could see this coin going up to $10 a coin by sometime next year, when right now it is still only at $0.14 a coin, so there could be a lot of money to be made if you invest now and just sit on it. If it blows up like I think it is going to, I can buy the new HVAC system that I’ve been needing for so long from the local heating and cooling corporation. Elon Musk is basically the richest man in the world and if he wants something to happen it is going to happen, because he has a lot of power behind him with all of the money that he has. So investing in something that he believes in is probably a good solid investment. I would still keep working for the local contractor but I’ll cut my hours back a little bit if I make a lot of money from this by next year. I love working in the HVAC industry, but working less hours would be very nice because then I can focus more on my musical career and give it more energy. We shall see.
Heat pump install

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