Sunday Morning is a Time of Cleaning HVAC Equipment

It’s also a day of rest, but Sundays are good for me because I have time to clean my HEPA filter and make sure the rest of my HVAC system is clean.

I like to clean the coils of the condenser too because it helps keep the air blowing cold from the air handler.

I usually clean the coils every six months or so when I notice the air is not blowing as cold as normal. I bought that spray cleaner many years ago and it has really helped keep the mildew from building up on the coils and hampering the efficiency of my HVAC’s cooling abilities. My friend told me about it a long time ago and it was very helpful because my system was cooling poorly and I wasn’t sure why. Today I am going to rest after I work on the HVAC system because I played ball on the beach last night till almost 10pm and am very sore and tired today. I may play some music on the streets later if my friend Danny messages me this afternoon. He played last night outside some local business and told me that he made some good money in tips as it was Saturday night and the place was packed. I didn’t have the energy to go out last night, and I felt kind of bad because I sit home a lot on weekends, but I did say hi to a pretty Spanish girl who I see often so maybe there will be some light at the end of my lonely tunnel one day. We all just want to be loved and appreciated.

Heating device

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