My whole home air purifier is just so awesome

I was fortunate that I didn’t struggle with any drastic health problems as a kid.

My sister has the same kidney disease as our father plus she started getting long term kidney stones at the age of 15.

When I finally had a stone for the first time a number of years later, I was incapacitated by the pain totally. I can’t imagine having pain and appreciate that on a correct basis. It was so terrible that I had to ask an acquaintance to drive myself and the rest to the ER as I couldn’t even step on the brake pedal without writhing in terrible pain. Luckily, this is only 1 of multiple times in my life where I’ve had a terrible kidney stone, plus the other multiple times they were smaller kidney stones that I passed on my own without help from the hospital. I have started developing respiratory health problems as I get into my late 30s. I was lucky for multiple decades to have minimal problems with my health, but now all of that is starting to change. Despite the extra cost that I didn’t expect to incur, I had to add a whole-house UV air purifier to my home’s Heating plus Air Conditioning plan to combat the pollen triggering my respiratory plus sinus flu symptoms. It traps a lot of the dust plus allergens that you wouldn’t want going through your modern Heating plus Air Conditioning plan anyway, so I manage to keep maintaining my air plus my air conditioning much cleaner with it set up. It’s appreciated having a supplementary whole-house air purifier blocked into an outlet, only it’s hardwired to your lake house plus it can run 24/7 in parallel with your air conditioning.


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