My house is now flooded

Last month was a disappointing month for me, however one of the worst things that I was afraid would happen happened.

  • Let me go back 2 weeks ago and explain how all of us started, two weeks ago we were having a weather forecast on the news that was predicting that there might be a certainly large tropical storm heading our way, but I was hoping it would miss us however as the days passed I knew that it was going to hit us straight on, so one month ago after that storm was originally predicted it hit and because I was in a flood zone everybody in our area was ordered to evacuate.

I went to another city and stayed in a hotel for a few afternoons while I waited to hear the news of what happened and when I’d be able to come back. It only took me a couple days to hear the news and I discovered that the entire area was completely flooded, and unluckily my home was one of them. I was certainly disappointed because I knew I would have lost some things that were irreplaceable. I guess the only good thing that came out of it is that the hotel was certainly kind and accommodating. They did their best to make me feel comfortable while I was in our stay, especially considering the situation with the storm. They had a really wonderful HVAC system, I was able to fully relax there and sometimes I would get a night’s sleep so good that I would forget that I wasn’t at our house. I was used to sleeping with the a/c system blowing on me at home and in the hotel they had a similar style of AC unit set up to where I would blow on me while I was sleeping in bed. I just hope that when I return home that my heating and cooling system was one of the things that was spared from the flood damage.
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