It’s scientifically proven that cold A/C in pop shops helps the brain

I was laboring in a pop shop earlier plus I noticed how cold the A/C was.

The longer I sat there, the more I wondered what the thermostat was set to.

It reminded myself and others of an episode of our preferred cartoon when the main character sat at a restaurant plus nearly froze to death because the A/C was so cold. Since I was on our laptop, I hastily searched while pop shops tend to keep their A/C so abnormally cold. One reason for cold A/C is because all the people are drinking sizzling beverages, so it’s to help offset the temperature difference so they don’t believe too warm. Another reason is that a lot of people go to pop shops to learn or get work done, plus it’s scientifically proven that colder temperatures help to stimulate the brain because it keeps the body awake. I still don’t recognize either of those are a valid reason for that shop to keep the thermostat as low as they must have had it. I have to remind myself to bring a blanket, scarf, jacket, or parka next time I visit that location. Most other people were wearing jackets there because it was so cold! It reminded myself and others of another episode of our preferred cartoon where all the people wore parkas during the summer time because the government controlled the weather plus created a serious wind that ended up being too cold for all the people, despite the sizzling weather. I recognize I watch too multiple odd cartoons, but it helps to keep our mind open, fun, plus creative.


Air conditioner install

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