I laugh at this now

Back when I remember when I had a window air conditioning unit and I ended up breaking the thing! Literally! Back then I was pretty angry about it, but today thinking back it is actually hilarious and I can laugh at it.

What had happened was that I was trying to instal the window air conditioning system unit into a window that wasn’t the right fit for it.

And then the window air conditioning system unit ended up falling out the window, going down several stories and blowing up into a million pieces on the ground. The huge big bang ended up making such a racket that neighbors called the police thinking someone set off a bomb! I am not kidding! And then when the police arrived at my house, they were actually laughing at how dumb I was for trying to get a smaller window air conditioning system unit into a larger window. It just doesn’t work. All kidding and humor aside, I am glad that the window air conditioning days are long behind most of us today, and that most have central heating and air conditioning systems in their home. I have been living with central heating and air conditioning for well over 20 years now and I can tell you, I do not miss the old window air conditioning system unit days at all! But I will never forget that one time. It is a sheer reminder of how heating and air conditioning technology has advanced super nicely over the years and how lucky we are today to have central heating and air conditioning all around!

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