I hate having to do house calls on holidays

I really hate having to go out on house calls on holidays, but for some reason that’s what I always end up doing.

For one reason, it’s because I’m the only one at our little HVAC company that’s usually available for house calls on holidays.

Most of the other guys have big families, and I am the only one who is not even married yet. And even though I understand why I’m the one who gets put onto the schedule, sometimes it’s super annoying that I never get a holiday weekend off of work. I mean, it’s not that I hate my job or anything like that. I actually enjoy working on heating and cooling systems most of the time. It’s just that I feel like other HVAC technicians at my company should take a turn now and then so that I can get a holiday off. I mean, I have siblings and parents and friends that I can spend holidays with, so it’s not like I wouldn’t enjoy a holiday off every now and then. I don’t know, I think I’m going to have to talk to my boss at the HVAC company about this situation. Maybe he doesn’t even notice that I’m the only one working on holidays. How do you like to give him the benefit of the doubt, and I think he is a really good guy. I bet if I talked to him about it, I would get the next holiday off of work. Well, maybe not, since the next holiday is Thanksgiving, but maybe I would end up getting to spend Christmas away from other people’s heating systems!



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