Cleaning spray can really spruce up an old A/C system

I hate it when things get stored forever and start to develop problemsome smells.

I told our guys that our mop must be hung to dry after it’s used otherwise it will harbor mold spores and harmful bacteria, thus dirtying the floor when you’re trying to clean.

I think that they understand implicitly why this needs to be completed, but I still can’t get them to remember every single time. The best thing I got was after I made a physical sign to put above the mop station to always remind them when they’re done to hang the mop so the head can dry out thoroughly. Then I had the idea of adding a very important step to the beginning of every mopping process—sanitizing the mop before use with a single basket of diluted floor cleaner to rinse out and clean it before making a fresh basket for mopping the floor. Others may find these procedures easy, and I think that’s a fair position to have if you don’t have a sensitive nose nor any respiratory dust sensitivities of any sort. Sadly, that’s not applicable to our wifey and I, nor our smallest child who has recently developed asthma. Both of us had to clean an aged window cooling system before using it in the basement as it had a smell every time both of us switched it on. Thankfully both of us encountered a special cleaning spray for cooling systems at the local hardware store and after two applications, the window cooling system was clean once again. The aerosol cleaning spray dissolved the mildew and harmful bacteria that had settled on the evaporator coil from years of extended use and storage.

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