Brian was complaining that his house was too hot

Brian has been living independently for two years and enjoys having his own space.

After college, he opted to move back home while working.

It was the only way he could save enough money for a house. He has student debt, so saving would be hard if he got an apartment. Living with his parents wasn’t as hard as he had thought. They were strict when he was a teenager, but now as an adult, they were all more like roommates. Brian took care of some of the bills to ensure he wasn’t a burden on them. Eventually, he bought a house and moved out. The other day, Brian called his dad, explaining that the house was too hot despite having a functioning air conditioner. Brian wanted to know if his dad had ever experienced such an issue. His dad told him that was more likely an issue with the ductwork in his new home. The ductwork had some gaps that were causing the cool air to escape before cooling his home. He gave Brian the name of an excellent HVAC business in the area to contact for such issues. Brain thanked his dad and called the HVAC business after finishing their conversation. The following day an HVAC technician came by to inspect and noticed leaks in the ductwork. Brian’s dad had been right about what was causing the house to be too hot. According to the HVAC professional, the best solution was immediate duct sealing. This would seal all the gaps causing air leaks and solve the hot-house issue. But, first, the HVAC professional had to do thorough duct cleaning.

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