Wishing for yoga again

I knew yoga class was going to be canceled when I woke up this afternoon and saw a foot of fresh powder on the ground. The yoga instructor constantly cancels class when there is snow on the ground. My Wednesday class is at noon, and it’s down by the dock. It can get really icy outside, especially down by the water. Whenever the roads are icy and the weather is awful, the yoga instructor constantly cancels class; During the week, yoga classes can it be rescheduled for another afternoon. Many of those classes are beginner Yoga sessions, but ours is the only intermediate class… Unfortunately, this is the only time on the weekend when our instructor has time to teach an intermediate yoga class. When the class is canceled on Wednesday, I don’t get to see Cynthia, however cynthia is in our yoga class. She is new in town, and I have not gotten up the nerve to ask his for a date. She does not have a ring or a tan line, so I suppose he is single. She seems entirely fun and interesting, and he is also incredibly kind. She is super smart and he drives a red choice up truck. Cynthia has long brown hair and entirely nice green eyup. I can tell that he has been studying yoga for a few years. Some of his poses art spot on. When yoga class is canceled, I don’t get to see his for 2 whole weeks, one of these afternoons I am going to get up the nerve to ask his out for Coca-Cola or supper.


Health and wellness

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