I’m actually learning towards ductless HVAC solutions

I have recently made the choice to transport out of our house & have a custom dwelling built.

I have been saving up for multiple years now & I’m gleeful to finally see our dwelling & our vision come into focus.

I’ve been trying to remain open-minded throughout the entire process & have landed on some decisions that I might not have made had I built this two years back (for example: all wood flooring). Now that I’m at the portion of the construction that must have central heating & central A/C appliance decisions, I’m looking at a variety of options. One thing that I expected would be a requirement for the Heating, Ventilation and A/C appliance is the ductwork system. As it turns out, there are all kinds of ductless Heating, Ventilation and A/C appliance options available as well. With ductless mini split A/C & boiler and/or ductless heat pumps, I could actually have a dwelling with heating & A/C that doesn’t require ductwork cleaning or anything at all like that. I had the desire to get some perspective online before I made a firm move on our central heating & central A/C appliance. Has anyone here had any experience with ductless Heating, Ventilation and A/C appliances? Any of the above—ductless heat pumps, multi split A/C or boilers—or anything that I have not mentioned here. I really do want your perspective on this. I’m honestly leaning toward ductless Heating, Ventilation and A/C appliance solutions, but don’t want to end up getting into something that I have to end up paying to undo to get the respected central heating & central A/C appliance. Please let me hear your thoughts on ductless Heating, Ventilation and A/C options & whether or not you would actually recommend it!

Electric heating

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