I found something really neat when tearing out the ductwork

My brother needed someone to help him with a job last Saturday and I didn’t have anything planned for the day. He offered to pay me $150 if I would work with him for 10 hours. I knew the job was going to be a really big mess if he was willing to pay me $15 an hour. I agreed to help and my brother picked me up at 7 in the morning. We drove out to the country to a place on an old dirt road. I thought my brother was going to install a brand-new HVAC unit, since he requested help for the day. Sometimes my brother needs help with an HVAC installation and I have some knowledge of heating and air conditioning repairs. My brother runs his own business and he doesn’t have any employees that work full-time. There are often times when my brother asks for help with a big installation job, but this time was something different. We were there to tear out all of the ductwork in the building. That place didn’t have any electricity or air conditioning, so we were stuck working on the job in the heat and humidity. While I was tearing out the duct work, I found something really neat. It was an old coin that looked authentic. I told my brother that it might be worth a million dollars and he laughed. I put the coin in my pocket and I showed it to a dealer a few days ago. The old coin dealer told me that the piece of gold was authentic and worth around $300. It wasn’t a million dollar find, but it was still pretty interesting.

Air conditioning professional

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