I don’t want to work for this HVAC company anymore

I really don’t want to work for this HVAC company anymore, but I honestly don’t know if I really have a choice.

I love my job as an HVAC technician, but I have never worked for an HVAC company that treated their HVAC technicians as poorly as this HVAC company is treating me. I just moved to my new house, and I am trying to get along with the new owner of the HVAC company where I work. At my old HVAC company, the HVAC technicians were treated well. The HVAC technicians were actually considered employees of the HVAC company, and we had a lot of benefits with our job. The HVAC company provided medical, dental, and eye insurance and the HVAC company also had a retirement plan for the HVAC technicians. When we had to work overtime or come in for an emergency HVAC repair, we were paid extra for our work. However, the new HVAC company works differently. We are considered independent contractors with the new HVAC company even though technically we aren’t independent contractors. The owner of the HVAC company still sets our hours and tells us what to do, but he just doesn’t want to pay the taxes. The HVAC company doesn’t have any benefits, and even though we work overtime a lot, we don’t get paid any extra money for the overtime. Also, the owner of the HVAC company is very temperamental, and it is getting on my nerves. I don’t know how much longer I can work for this HVAC company, and I am strongly considering getting a new job.

Heating and cooling equipment

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