I couldn't Garden without my air conditioner

As an avid gardener I spend a lot of time out in the sun all year round.

In order to have all of our flower beds and healthy vegetables stay healthy I am always trimming, weeding and carefully planting.

People often comment on how nice our gardens regularly look but they have no idea how much work it is to keep them up and running that way. My yearly routine includes watering heavily in the day and then doing yard work until around noon. On wonderful afternoons that are overcast it is much more comfortable but on normal, tepid sunny afternoons I and relieved when I am totally done for the day. I put away all of our high-priced tools and head right into the shower. Then I rest next to the nearest indoor air vent from the Heating and Air Conditioning system with a large glass of ice water to relax for about half an hour or until I chill out. After I am cooled off I then continue with our volume of indoor chores until the sunlight goes down. I can promise you, if not for the fact that I have a whole lake house-wide Heating and Air Conditioning idea I more than likely would not have the gardens I do. It is superb to be able to escape the sunlight and relax during the day in our indoor weather conditions controlled house. My yard would also likely look care about all of our neighbors. I wouldn’t care about that at all and I would miss the fresh veggies I grow too.


Quality heating and air

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