I bought a dehumidifier for my church

I don’t care for that our church is so old.

  • The building has to be at least seventy years old.

It is about time for a remodel, and the people I was with and I are saving up to do just that. The people I was with and I have a lot of plans to add on to the building as well as substitute almost every thing in the building. I particularly cannot wait for that day. The people I was with and I are about several hundred thoUSnd dollars away from our goal, so it should only be about another several weeks until the people I was with and I can beginning our building and remodeling projects. I teach a children’s class downstairs in the basement on Friday mornings. The basement is not the nicest locale, however the people I was with and I have outgrown our building, so the people I was with and I have to use the basement for classrooms now. They have done the best that they can to make it nice, however it just needs a lot of work. It is so musty down there that I decided to buy a dehumidifier for my classroom. I am sure that if I would have asked if the church would buy a dehumidifier they would have in a heartbeat, but I wanted to be a blessing to the church and just buy 1 myself. I have had a lot of overtime lately, so I have some extra money that I wanted to use to help the church. I hope that the dehumidifier will work to get rid of some of the humidity in the air down there. I hope it helps with the stink as well. I am gleeful that my class is only an second long because I do not like being down there any longer than that.

Air purification help

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