Frozen HVAC unit

The modern heating and cooling system is one of the most groundbreaking pieces of technology of our time. Whereas people used to huddle in front of fires for warmth and swim in rivers to cool off, we now have temperature control at our fingertips. All of this is great as long as things go to plan. In my case, things didn’t go to plan. On a cold winter morning, with frost gathering on the glass I decided to turn up the central heating system to keep the house nice and warm. But to my shock, upon turning it on, water came leaking out onto the floor. To test to see if my HVAC unit was working at all I then tried to turn on the air conditioning and once again nothing. I went outside to get a closer inspection, only to find that the snow had been so cold last night that it got inside of the HVAC system and had frozen solid. Some heat from the heater had melted the frozen snow, spilling water inside the house. Now it wasn’t even spinning. Knowing I needed it fixed immediately if we were to have heat, I called up my local heating and cooling company, not caring what the price was. When they answered they said they would be out right away. When they arrived they had to open the HVAC machine to examine the internal parts. Everything was undamaged, just frozen. Once it was declared ok and was no longer frozen, I went back inside the house to try the heater once again. This time I had better luck, the furnace sprung to life and gradually the house had started to warm one again, sending away the icy chill for good.



HVAC system

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